Giving One Back to Those in Need

Germs are everywhere, and extra precautions need to be taken to help stop them from spreading. While some germs are good and help us develop a well-functioning immune system, many malevolent germs can get people extremely sick.

As human beings, it is part of our job to help keep others safe. An easy way to do this is to eliminate germs via handwashing and hand sanitizer. These are simple ways to kill germs and stop them from spreading to others.

Unfortunately, protection from germs is not always spread equally. People need protection on the go, at home, in the car, at school, and everywhere else where germs exist. To try and close the gap between those protected and those who are, Muse Health is here to pitch in.

Buy 1, Give 1 Mission

Muse Health is determined to help underserved people by getting them the supplies they need. So, for every one bottle of hand sanitizer plus moisturizer you buy, Muse Health donates one to someone in need. This helps give people who are the most vulnerable, during unsettling times, the confidence they are being protected.

Muse Health is dedicated to bringing hand sanitizer to everyone who needs it. 

Places Where Sanitizer is a Necessary Accessory

You are constantly being exposed to germs, so the need for hand sanitizer comes up quite often. Anywhere with high transit that has people coming in and out of all day long will run a high risk for germ exposure. Should you be in one of these areas, having hand sanitizer is a must to stop the spread:

  •       Public bathrooms
  •       Offices
  •       Restaurants
  •       Playgrounds
  •       Schools
  •       Stores

The most bacteria-filled surfaces are often the ones that get forgotten about the most, and they are the ones that get used the most. Similar to the locations that are filled with germs, these surfaces have large amounts of contact from people passing by and are constant hubs for germs and other pathogens. 

  •       Public doors/door handles
  •       Subway poles
  •       Restaurant tables/booths
  •       Public toilets/sinks
  •       Public drinking fountains

There is a high chance of germ spread anywhere where many people are frequently coming and going through. If you are in any of these areas, you want to make sure to sanitize your hands and avoid touching your face, mouth, eyes, and ears.

Helping Those Who Are Vulnerable

The demand for hand sanitizer has seen unprecedented levels in the past couple of years. Hospitals, doctor’s offices, and local government facilities have even seen shortages. Thus those in impoverished/underprivileged areas tend to get the short end of the stick. People in these situations tend not to have excess money to buy the supplies they need. On a larger scale, cities may not have the money in their budget to get everyone in their area the items they need to remain safe. So, the people have to rely on outside forces to get it to them. 

Unfortunately, these areas don't always make the top of the priority list, and people go without the protection they need. In locations where the population has a median income of $60,240 or lower, the death rate of Covid-19 was nine times higher than locations with higher levels of income. This can likely be attributed to these people not getting the sanitizer and other essential products they need.  

Individuals working at grocery stores, on railroads, and delivering food have continued working during the pandemic. These often unacknowledged essential workers are on the front lines and rely on local sources to provide them the supplies they need. Unfortunately, they are often the ones left without supplies when demand spikes. 

Another group disproportionately affected by sickness is indigenous tribes and nations like the Tohono O'odham and Navajo Nations. These communities tend to be the most vulnerable to diseases and the least likely to have access to safety items. In addition, they are more affected because they tend to have multiple generations living in their homes, some don't have access to running water, and they lack essential public services.

People Living In Close Proximity

Viruses, especially airborne ones, spread incredibly easily from person to person in multi-generational housing or close quarters. The germs spread quickly within the home, and because there are so many people living there, they all take it anywhere they are traveling, like work or school. They then spread it to people they come across who take it back to their families. Then, the process happens again and again. This effect is compounded in communities like the Navajo Nation, which often do not get frequent public services.

Large families living in close quarters have an increased need to get the hand sanitizer and other supplies they need, to keep themselves safe and stop the spread of disease. In families with a lot of mouths to feed, there are also a lot of hands to clean. During times like these, that can make things even more challenging for parents trying to put food on the table. Muse Health is making it a priority to help those in need so that they too, can remain healthy.


Germs are a part of our daily lives, and we need to work together to help stop the spread. Muse Health is taking the initiative to put hand sanitizer into the hands of the people who need it most through their "Buy 1, Give 1" initiative. For every bottle of hand sanitizer/moisturizer bought, Muse Health will give one to someone in need.

Keeping your hands clean is an important step in keeping yourself and others healthy. Getting a hand sanitizer that also moisturizes your skin can help you stay clean while avoiding dry skin. Try some today!